I just want to share my lovely news with everyone, I’ve just completed arrangements for my new cutting garden for 2016. Raised flower beds in, shed up, patch rabbit proofed and seeds bought from the fantastic know it all about growing from seed  ‘Higgledy Garden’. I have in the past grown  flowers on my own little patch, ( see pics above) but I now have the space to grow so many more fantastic blooms that I can include in my lovely bouquets,  I’m excited!!! Poppies, Foxgloves, Nigella, in the process of doing all the boring bits like adding compost ( Peat free mind you), Ben at Higgledy Garden says ‘if Kew Gardens can do it for the environment then so can we in our small way’ I grew all these lovelies in my raised flower beds last summer, so I will have them  en mass this year, fingers xxxx Yeaa, roll on a bit of heat !
Talk soon